After our time in Ribeira D'Ilas it was hard to not be dissapointed in the following destinations. We spent an awfull night at Praia Grande with no surf and got slow motion malled by snails (wierd but the really the most fitting description). After that we headed all the way to Largos for some excitement. But the touristy 'Contiki Tour´, vibe of Largos was unsettling so we escaped to Saregres, a group of beaches on the south west tip of portugal. Here there was still no surf but we spent 4 days in a state of blissful boredom and as days merged into eachother we lost track time. The next thing we knew it was time to leave and we had two days to cross Portugal and Spain to where our friends where meant to meet their frinds neer Valencia. The drive was greusomely hot and tiringly long but we are here now in Valencia scortching in the heat and laping up the warm waters of the mediteranian.

