After Benicassim we swapped vans and goined up with some free spirited australian girls we met in the shanti town. Over three days we drove our way back up norh through Andora and into France. Now we are sitting in Hosssegor so close to where we began our journey almost a month and a half ago, tying together a full lap of Spain and Portugal.
Our friend Lach, being the selfless droog that he is, managed to get us artists bands for the music festival wich meant that for three nights we would moonlight as rockstars; lapping up unlimited free drinks, organising fake interviews and telling fake stories with fake accents until we ended up by the vip pool at sunrise.
After which we would return to our shanti town of local gypsies and australian travellers where we were camped out for nearly a week.
Benicasim has been like a free camp challange, every day or two we have a new back yard. Its a great town but at the moment there it a huge festival on so the place has been flooded by english tourists, allthough among them we have met some really nice people, mostly some locals and other australians, and we will definately be walking away with some stories from this place. When you have so much time on your hands orange peels become puzzles games.
After our time in Ribeira D'Ilas it was hard to not be dissapointed in the following destinations. We spent an awfull night at Praia Grande with no surf and got slow motion malled by snails (wierd but the really the most fitting description). After that we headed all the way to Largos for some excitement. But the touristy 'Contiki Tour´, vibe of Largos was unsettling so we escaped to Saregres, a group of beaches on the south west tip of portugal. Here there was still no surf but we spent 4 days in a state of blissful boredom and as days merged into eachother we lost track time. The next thing we knew it was time to leave and we had two days to cross Portugal and Spain to where our friends where meant to meet their frinds neer Valencia. The drive was greusomely hot and tiringly long but we are here now in Valencia scortching in the heat and laping up the warm waters of the mediteranian. Sagres
We spent 5 days at Ribeira D'Ilas surfing hanging out and making some new freinds. Rhanada a local professional longborder even took to backing us cakes, and the guy who runs the local surf tours is was stoket to hang out with us, telling about the firts surfers so come that part of portugal: a bunch of auttralians who camped out and surfed and smoked hash for 4 months before leaving the locals their boards and wetsuits.